African Diaspora Film Club | W.E.B. DuBois: A Biography in Four Voices

Selected date

Sunday November 8

Selected time

5:00 PM  –  6:00 PM


Join us for the African Diaspora Film Club. This month we will be discussing W.E.B. DUBOIS: A BIOGRAPHY IN FOUR VOICES (Louis Messiah, 199, 116 mins)

We will not be screening the film. Please view the film on your own in advance of the discussion. You can find it streaming at (free with local library card), or on Vimeo.

Filmmaker Louis Messiah will join us for the discussion on Sunday, November 8 at 5pm (PST).

Once you confirm attendance with MoAD, look for an email with a link to join on zoom. If you do not receive this email in your inbox, check your spam or junk-mail box.
